Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Heroes or maybe not

It’s Friday night around 11pm and I have settled on the couch with remotes both for the TV and the DVR box. I’m a little excited as if I’m finally going to watch the end of this movie I really like. Only it’s not a movie but the season finale of one of my favorite shows “Heroes” on NBC. I started watching Heroes from the first episode just out of curiosity because I like the concept of mutation and powers that come along with that. Of course, I like the X-Men movies too (haven’t watched “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” yet). So anyway, I dim the lights and ask my wife not to make any noises or talk in-between the show and I start the episode.

45 minutes after watching the episode I start getting this uncomfortable feeling with the way the story line is leading towards. The feeling I had been getting pretty much this whole season. In my mind, I’m praying that this season ends with a good story line ahead or at least with one of the following outcomes

1. Sylar loses his powers or someone like Peter Petrelli find a way to become more powerful than Sylar. Peter’s role in this season has been more like “No, I can’t do this!” kind and his first reaction is to always oppose his brother Nathan and his mother no matter what they say. The only person who he listens to is his niece Claire.

2. For once Dr. Suresh finds a scientific solution to help all these people control their powers. The dude has been shown as a scientist in all the seasons, but hasn’t really done anything of essence. Of course they tried giving him powers and that didn’t work out either. I thought Suresh’s fager (word used from Austin Powers dictionary) was all hype, but I think his son leaves him far behind.

3. Hiro and Ando get to do something more essential than keep piecing things based on rebel’s messages. I mean come-on guys, you have become more like the people working in an IT teams application support team than ‘Heroes’.

4. For once, put some sense in to Nathan Petrelli. The guy seems to fly in every direction but the right one. If this is what makes a US Senator, then we know where we are headed. Jokes apart, Nathan has much more issues than any other character. He thinks he’s doing the right thing, and then changes his mind. Then something happens to his mother, brother, and / or daughter and he changes his mind and team again. I mean come on dude. Get a grip of yourself and act like a Hero.

5. Matt Parkman is another character which has not been developed properly. He thinks too much, and is always lost in family and personal issues. Hasn’t he seen Spider Man? Doesn’t he know that “With great power comes great responsibility”? Start acting and taking responsibility like a Hero.

However, at the end of the season finale, I was much more irritated and frustrated with the story line than ever. I really think this was the worst story twist “ever”. Here are the mistakes according to me

1. Sylar is struck with a knife in the back of his head, and he wakes up and tells Danko (the Hunter cop played by Željko Ivanek) that “I moved my spot”…huh? What? So the only guy, who is most powerful than all Heroes combined and has one spot that is his weakness, can also move the spot to any part of his body? So why isn’t Sylar the “Hero”?

2. Throughout the season, we keep waiting to see a face-off between Sylar and any ‘Hero’ who is powerful enough to fight him. Finally, when that chance presents itself in the form of Petrelli brothers against Sylar, the director decides to show us ‘flashes’ of light through the crack of the door which Claire cannot open. Imagine an action movie like Die Hard or The Dark Knight and you don’t get to see the climax action scene. That is just ridiculous period!

3. I think Angela Petrelli has all her dreams mixed up. I don’t remember if Sylar can stop time yet, so why couldn’t she dream of Hiro Nakamura helping Nathan and Peter instead of Matt Parkman. You spend so much energy trying to convince the dude to do something good, which defeats the whole purpose.

4. Finally, what the hell is wrong with the story writer? How can you show Nathan Petrelli dying, when his daughter is capable of bringing him back to life by giving her blood? She has already done that with her adopted father once. I mean come on guys. We know we’re not Heroes but it doesn’t take a degree in comic books to figure a few things out. And of all people, you had to give the pleasure to Sylar. It didn’t take him even a second to do the deed. And why would you want to hide this fact from everyone. Even if one agrees to all of the above twists as the writers freedom for his characters, I still did not get how they were able to transform Nathan’s body to show as Sylar. I thought only Sylar (or anyone) who has the power to shape shift can transform into someone else. But how could Nathan, who was dead already, shape shift in to Sylar is beyond me.

Baseline, Heroes season 3 finale lacked the power and courage with which Heroes first began. And as if this wasn’t enough for us fans to take, they bring back Tracy. That is one character I did not miss.

1 comment:

Rohit said...

Heroes season 2 and later sucks! We stopped watching it...the script and direction is a disaster...the clowns who are running this rotten thing should have a face-off with Sylar...

What a waste of time...