Saturday, July 15, 2006

Why is Indian politics still living in pre-Independence?

Over the last few days, my friend and I have been exchanging views on the political scene in India since the blasts in Mumabi on July 11th. We are far away from home, and are frustrated that such incidents have been occurring in India for a long time, but no one seems to be taking a decisive action against the terrorist organizations that are responsible for this.

Just today I was reading about the Mumbai situation on the various web-sites, and I found a shameful article on CNN which gives a history of these kinds of attacks that have been taking place in India for the past few years. Here's the URL

I say shameful because it was painful to go through this article, and realize that since March 1993, India has been attacked by terrorists and militant organizations that oppose India's role in Kashmir, and we haven’t done much. During these 9 attacks including the recent one in Mumbai, India has lost about 600 people. These 600 lives were of those men, women and children who believe in democracy and had no role to play in the dirty politics that goes on between India and Pakistan. They were just going about doing their day-to-day routine, and suddenly they're gone. And I'm not even talking about the countless other people who were injured during these attacks, and many of whom are permanently disabled now. What will it take for our leadership to awaken and take some action against such barbaric attacks? Just talking non-sense on television doesn't cut it to me, leave alone consoling those families who lost their loved ones. If the life of 600 innocent people doesn’t wake-up worlds largest decmocracy and make it angry what does?

Some news articles today on Times of India, a prominent newspaper, reported that finally some terror group has claimed responsibility for the blasts in Mumbai. . Apparently, the terror group sent an e-mail to a TV channel giving details and correcting some information released by the TV channel about the terror attacks. Yea rite! So now what? Now we will begin another age-old utterly ridiculous process. And how does that happen is you question right? Well then let me answer it.

Our central government will most probably set-up some committee (with some fancy -strong sounding name) to overlook the Mumbai situation, where the committee chairman will "directly" present his report to either the Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh or the parliament, which ever suits the politicians. The committee might take a few months to come up with such a report. So what's in this report? Well, no one knows that, but my guess based on our people running the country would be some print outs from the various web-sites that have done their own investigative journalism. At the most someone with computer knowledge in the security department would have googled some information about the militant group, and added some printouts on that too (for which he/she might get a promotion). I know..I're thinking what the hell kind of a government committee does this. Well wake-up dude, this is just a blog not an X-file or something where everything I'm writing is the truth. This is my frustrated view of our system.

Anyway, so where were we…rite, so what will India do after the report is out you might ask. Hmm...that's an excellent question? The answer is we will have "Diplomatic Talks" with Pakistan over the situation. And what else you might ask again...right? Well, nothing! That's right people...we won't do squat! Even after some barbaric group accepts the responsibility, we will go with the peace approach. Peace approach my foot! How many centuries and decades will it take for us to realize that we're not living in the pre-Independence India anymore? If we keep sitting with our hands tied forever using diplomatic talks as our approach, we might as well become like one of those unstable countries which is always in civil unrest. Get your asses out of those comfortable chairs in the parliament, and get to some serious work you morons. Give a damn order to eradicate the terror group which has taken the responsibility for the attack. Track down their financial flows, their links to other people, other governments, and other countries. Let the diplomatic approach go to hell for once. Show your own country people that you do take the loss of 200 lives very seriously. Give an equally striking and terrifying response to the terror groups and let them know that if they start a war, they better be prepared to face the consequences of it.

1 comment:

Rohit said...

Brilliant! So you are the Jai that commented on my blog! Excellent writing there and excellent writing here too. I had you mistaken for someone else. Apologies for that!

I agree with your points my friend....