Sunday, July 23, 2006

2-minute silence for 200 souls, F16’s and our peace process!

Albert Einstein rightly said
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing
( That’s exactly how I feel today after reading all the news articles pertaining to the many issues faced by my country - INDIA. In the days immediately following the Mumbai train blasts, the only feelings that resided in my heart were that of anger and pain. Those feelings have since changed from anger to helplessness and from pain to discontent. I say helplessness because we’re still talking about a peaceful approach to such a situation, while Pakistan refuses to help us in anyway. Of course my assumption here being that the militant organization LeQ* is aided by Pakistan in some way or the other. I say discontent because whatever nonsense comes our way from other countries we still buy into that and try to keep everyone happy except our own people.

The other day, I saw a news article on Rediff where US Congressman Jim Leach has requested India to "continue the ongoing peace talks with Pakistan in spite of the Mumbai bombings" ( So I’m thinking, did Mr. Leach have the same reaction to the 9/11 attacks as well? Talk peacefully with terrorist countries who keep attacking you! Would that be acceptable to US? I doubt it! So you’re telling us that we should sit quite and talk out our issues peacefully when we’re attacked by terrorists, but you can definitely retaliate and justify it. And let’s not forget that while on one hand we’re being told to go with the peace approach, US has authorized the sale of F16 fighter jets to Pakistan ( This is just great isn’t it? Two nuclear powers are fighting a war for almost 50 years now, and US advices us the peace approach on one hand, makes profit from Pakistan by selling them F16s on the other, and opposes global terrorism world-wide. Does this make sense to anyone? It doesn’t make any sense to me!

So what did the 200 souls who lost their life in Mumbai get in return from all of us? 2 minutes of silence! We don’t even have the balls or the intelligence to produce sufficient evidence to Pakistan regarding two well-known militants so Pakistan can extradite them to us. I’m not kidding people! Pakistan has refused to extradite these two wanted in India for their involvement in many terrorist activities because we haven’t provided them with enough evidence ( One of them, Dawood Ibrahim is also listed in the United Nations Security Councils (resolution 1267) list of individuals who are associated to Taliban and/or Al Qaeda organization. So has US commented on this by any chance? Umm…No sir! This is something between India and Pakistan, and US would not like to comment on this situation.

So now most of you like me are thinking who’s helping us resolve the terrorism problems in our country right? Well the answer is US and Pakistan. Wait…what? That’s right people, what u read is what I said. The US government totally supports us in our anti-terrorism efforts, and Pakistan is just waiting for us to give them some proof after which they will also help us whole-heartedly. Our naïve Indian Prime Minister recently concluded a very successful G-8 summit in St. Petersburg, where all the other countries sympathized with our situation, and are ready to support us in our war against terrorism (,0008.htm). Well if that’s the case, for beginners please stop selling F16s to countries we are having terrorism issues with. And I’m not too sure about this, but couldn’t we gather enough evidence against criminals like Dawood and present it to US or UN (all the same), and ask their help in dealing with Pakistan? Wouldn’t that work? I guess if “world peace” and “prosperity” was the goal of every country, it would. Then again I'm too much of an optimist!

LeQ* is the terrorist group that claimed responsibility for the Mumbai train bombings on 7/11.

1 comment:

Chintan said...

Statistically speaking there have been much more terrorist attacks on India than a 'CNN' or 'BBC' has records for. I remember an attack on a small town in Kashmir called Bandipora where 36 Sikhs were dragged out of their homes and shot. This was called 'Freedom Struggle' by the very country with whom we are asked to continue the 'peace' process. Another sad thing about Indian administration is that every time there's a terrorist attack or any such activity, we approach US behaving like a kid whose candy has been snatched by his friend. Not sure if I call this as the lack of balls or lack of self esteem.It's high time we start taking a leaf out of Israel's policy book and settle our matters on our own.