Monday, July 17, 2006

Am I the only one tolerating bad movies?

So what's happening to our movie industry these days? Doesn't matter if its Hollywood or Bollywood*, the kind of movies that have recently released are just horribly bad movies. The other day I was talking to one of my friend about some recent bollywood movies like Krissh and Fanaa, and she kind of liked these movies. Not to mention the fact that both these movies were extremely well received by audiences and made a lot of money at the box office. Am I the only one who thinks that these movies were a waste of our time, that we were robbed of our money, and that we deserve to watch better movies? Anybody?

I mean give me a break people! Krissh has idiotism and stupidity written all over its characters and its storyline. I know the producers spent a lot of money to hire some "really brilliant" special effects people, but couldn't they have spent half that money on some good story writers as well? So let's see...the dude can run faster than a horse, jump over mountains, and blah...blah..blah..agreed! But even after doing all this, he couldn't afford to get some decent clothes to wear for himself till one fine day when he decides to go international.

Krissh is a true rags to riches story by all accounts people. And let's not forget the stylish grandmother, who by the way can very well afford those fancy dresses for important tasks like gardening, cleaning, and cooking. What kind of a dumb superhero grandson wouldn't question his grandmother about such double standards? But hold on to those thoughts, because just when you think what's the worst that could happen now, our man is invited to Singapore (god only knows how he gets his passport/visa) and grandma aka Gucci and Varsache all in one brings out all the latest fashion wear out of the closet. Apparently those fashionable clothes belonged to our superhero's dad. Yeah rite! And then we only see our beloved Krissh in the best dresses all around Singapore. I'm talking really good dresses. I cannot even dare to get into the climax scene with the bullet coz that would move Neo (from Matrix) to tears.

While I'm talking about bad movies, let me take a shot at some of our recent Hollywood movies as well. I always considered Hollywood movies to do some justice to the hype they create in the trailers. But after watching Pirates-2 (whatever the hell its full name is), I'm forced to think if Hollywood producers, directors, and story writers are taking us the audience any seriously at all. I'm a big fan of Johnny Depp, but Captain Jack Sparrow is becoming a little annoying now. The movie was stretched a little too long, and just when you thought the movie was over, and you can go home and beat yourself for watching this movie, they stretch it a little more with potential for a trilogy. The next day when I saw the amount Pirates-2 earned at the box office, I was like what the hell's going on here? I'm sure many of you unlike me think that both these movies (Krissh and Pirate-2) were good, or were definitely not as bad as I've criticized them. Well in that case, pat yourself on your shoulder because it was people like you who made these movies such blockbusters.

Bollywood* is the informal name given to the popular Mumbai-based Hindi language film industry in India (

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I'll have to see these movies again (Kkrish) to find the faults. Your BLOG is promoting the movie. Cheers!