Saturday, April 04, 2009

What's in a gift?

If like me, anyone has been keeping an eye on the G-20 summit, you would have noticed that for quite some days now, the news media and tabloids all over America and England have been buzzing about "the gifts" that were exchanged between the President of United States and the Queen. And if that wasn't enough, there was some "anger and disappointment" over how the first lady of United States put her hand over the shoulder of the Queen. And no one ever does that. You know why? Because the Queen is "Royalty" and she has never had anyone put arm over her shoulder. Oh, thanks for telling us. Arrgh!

I mean come on guys, don't you have enough to handle with the general public in London protesting day in and day out, vandalizing public property and breaking glasses of bank buildings. All of a sudden you feel like you are watching the hooligan fans of Manchester united after their team lost an important game. After all of this, you still have time to waste air time and paper on these petty things.

So the President gave the Queen an iPod. Who cares? Did you want him to name a room of the white house in favor of the Queen? And I agree that the gifts might not be of great value to the people in England, but again, who cares? Why is it that every time someone does anything which is not considered "royal" by the British media, it becomes a big deal? Get a hold of yourself and move on. I don't see the Queen's office putting out statements that she is disappointed by the gift or that she did not like the first lady putting her hand over the shoulder. If Price William gives his grandmother an iPod, everyone goes..."oh, what a wonderful gift from a grandson to his grandmother", but if Obama does that, "Oh, how rude!"...blah..blah..blah..

And before this it was cribbing about the gift Obama gave to the British Prime Minister when he visited United States recently. I thought there was only one Royal family in England, but it looks like every citizen in England has a royal attitude to everything. I mean, one minute you are the rowdiest crowd in the whole world, and the next minute you are talking about "
Royal Etiquette". Take a chill pill guys. And not everyone in the world is perfect in giving gifts. So what? It's the gesture that counts not what the value of the gift. So grow up. I mean, what's in a gift?

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