Monday, April 16, 2007

American Idol or American Laughter Show?

OK, so has anyone other than me been watching the highly over rated American Idol this season. I think America (and apparently India) is trying to send a message to the producers of the show that..."Stop this non sense, and give everyone a break". I mean come-on, one of the singers the famously infamous Sanjaya Malakar has been condemned, laughed-at, and humiliated by one and all, and yet he's the most famous American Idol contender yet. It used to be William Hung earlier, but Sanjaya has broken all the records by staying steady in the matter how he's doing it.

I'm from India, and refuse to give credit to Sanjaya's singing capabilities, and I'm not even a singer. So the first question in my mind is, what the hell were Simon, Paula, and Randy Jackson thinking or rather smoking when they chose Sanjaya as one of the American Idol contestants to begin with. I mean week after week you can hear each one of the judges implicitly (Simon explicitly) say that Sanjaya is no good, and this competition is for the best singer and not a popularity contest, and blah...blah...blah...well my response to them is that you deserve this since you made the first mistake.

As you can see, I'm pissed at this whole non-sense. Like today, I read this article on LATimes website about how presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton was asked a question about Sanjaya. And I was like...what? Are you guys serious? Doesn't the Senator have more important things to worry about than a stupid show and its hilarious judgement process. And the worst part is the amount of publicity (even if its negative) Sanjaya has been getting by TV Shows (all the late night morons, and early morning idiots), Radio talk shows, and now presidential candidates for not singing well. Isn't that an irony for a reality show which is all about selecting the "Best Singer" in America. Like my wife says, didn't the producers of "American Idol" find a better way to publicize the show.